Who are saints? The Catholic Church recognizes more than 10,000 people who were "saintly," but that does not mean "weak." They had lives of sacrifice, hard work, struggle and suffering.
Saints often accomplished great things. They took on corrupt governments, battled enriched orthodoxies (occasionally within the Church itself), and fought superstitious ignorance. They healed the sick, baptized the enslaved, and often traveled thousands of miles under the worst conditions imaginable. And they often endured persecution for their positions and beliefs.
This book profiles more than 150 saints, chosen for how worthwhile their lives were and how interesting their stories and achievements continue to be. Each is accompanied by a timeline of birth and death, when they were canonized, what their feast day is, who they patronize and other names they may be known as.
Also accompanying each profile is a full-color classic artwork -- paintings, mosaics and murals by masters. Often churches and convents associated with the saint are depicted, and for each several paragraphs of text frame the saint's importance.
The 150+ saints are categorized as:
Full of insightful stories and useful information, The Book of Saints will offer rich history for anyone wanting to know about the heroes of the Church.