Although this book is geared for social workers, it can be used in paraprofessional work and executive director responsibilities in social support organizations all over the world. It is the Christian's job to show the love of Jesus at every level of this work. This book shows us how to do this as we will see Jesus manifesting love and kindness by meeting the basic needs of those who come to Him for help.
This book will allow you to understand practical ways of sharing God's love as you work with your clients and your co-workers. By observing how Jesus is concerned with the everyday needs of the poor, sick, and mentally ill, you will be able to emulate His techniques and assist your clients in ways that are lasting and empowering.
This thirty-one-day devotional will guide you through each chapter of the Gospel of Luke. You will be asked questions regarding how you measure up in situations similar to those demonstrated in the passages. You will then be asked to create a prayer to assist you in being able to perform as Jesus did in the designated reading. By the end of the thirty-one days, it is my prayer that you will have the ability to excel in social work in ways you did not see possible. In doing so, you will be resembling Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Social Worker.