In the midst of a world that seems, sometimes, to be spinning outof control, a world where we witness unspeakable acts of evil on our TV news, a world full of discord, hatred, and great pain, it is easy to get discouraged and feel hopeless. It is a fair question to ask, "Is there hope in the midst of a world like ours?" In this book, The Power of One Day's Time, Pastor Chris Slosser answers a resounding yes to this question.
In these pages, Pastor Chris shares of numerous biblical characters who were in the midst of great darkness, pain, and hardship like so many of us today, who had a one-day's-time encounter with the Living Lord, Jesus Christ. Many of these characters woke up to what they thought was going to be another horrible, mundane day in the midst of a horrible, mundane life, and then God showed up, and everything changed forever.
The good news is that this same Savior is still in the life-changing, eternity-changing business, and he has come to seek and save what is lost (Luke 19:10). At any moment, in one day's time, this same Savior may come on the scene in your life as well and change the whole trajectory of your life, now and always, and that is reason for great and sure hope. Jesus Christ was a miraculous Savior in Bible times, and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). At any given moment, Jesus Christ may very well have a miracle with your name written all over it.