THE BEAR FROM AUNT is an illustrated fiction series for mid-grade readers featuring the super-koala-spy Stanley. Stanley as the "Bear From AUNT," with his fellow A.U.N.T. agents, work to keep the world safe from evil geniuses...and evil not-so-geniuses. THE CASE OF THE PUSHY OCTOPUS is an expanded version of the original 2016 story with a longer story and all new artwork! In OCTOPUS, we find Stanley on forced holiday while criminals are essentially quiet. When AUNT's underwater division, Aquatic, transfers a case to Stanley, he is finally able to do what he loves! With Marco on holiday, Stanley is assigned a partner from Aquatic, an emperor penguin named Percie.
Stanley and Percie team up and learn about each other's divisions while learning how to work together solving a temperature mystery of glacial proportions! While adjusting to working with a new partner, Stanley also discovers a new menace impeding his investigations - one within the halls of AUNT itself! With all of these changes, can Stanley and his colleagues at AUNT save the day? Find out in THE CASE OF THE PUSHY OCTOPUS!
As long as the Koala is a threatened/endangered species, a portion of the proceeds from all DFP/Crass Fed Kids books featuring Stanley will be donated to global charities working to save Koala and their habitats.