4How to visualize like a world champion contains the most up-to-date information on how to visualize your success. We've analyzed dozens of the world's top performing athletes and high-performance individuals and took note of what they all have in common, and how their minds operate.How to visualize like a world champion get straight to the point with a step by step instructional guide on how to effortlessly manifest your desires. We'll dive deep into the science behind success and what it takes to visualize like a world champion. Also, we've discovered that no matter what your race, creed, social, economic background or age might be, if you apply these techniques it's not a matter of if you will be a success, it's when When you implement these techniques, you'll be pulled to take massive action, and the best part is that it will seem effortless. For some people, results can come immediately after applying these techniques, and others may take weeks, months or even years depending upon the desired goal. Be prepared to become a world champion. Are you ready?In this book you'll learn: How to define your objectiveThe three facets of your mindHow to remove negativityReason vs. ImaginationCreative vs. Transformative ImaginationThe best time to visualizeOne word you should never useHow to rebuild your self-imageHow to begin a visualizationThe mental process of visualizationSix guided visualizationsMuch, much more Scroll up to the top and order your copy now