member publications

Hartmann Software Group
#learn to code, find an IT job
Andreas Taber
#John Prine, World Trade Center, nyc, cmj, college music journal

member services

Software Development Services

The Hartmann Software Group (HSG) is owned and operated by engineers that ...

Prioritizing IT Work As a Result of COVID-19

Our recent discussions with clients have confirmed the all too familiar news during these ...


It Ends with Us

by Hoover, Colleen

Paperback /Paperback


The Anxious Generation: How the ...

by Haidt, Jonathan

Hardcover /Hardcover


It Starts with Us

by Hoover, Colleen

Paperback /Paperback


You Like It Darker: Stories

by King, Stephen

Hardcover /Hardcover


33 Days to Morning Glory: ...

by Gaitley, Michael E.

Paperback /Paperback


The Great Alone

by Hannah, Kristin

Paperback /Paperback


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