1. House of our God (Zion)
2. Lord, I approach thy mercy-seat (Burford)
3. Come, ye disconsolate
4. Be joyful in God
5. The voice of my beloved sounds (Spring)
6. Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (Tamworth)
7. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, hymn
8. Come, O thou traveler unknown (Vernon)
9. O how happy are they (New Concord)
10. That glorious day is drawing nigh (Zions Light)
11. How sweet to reflect (Eden of Love)
12. How pleasant thus to dwell below (The Parting Hymn)
13. God moves in a mysterious way (Union)
14. Wesley (Come, children of Zion), hymn
15. Idumea, hymn
16. Sweet Prospect
17. Wondrous Love (What wondrous love is this), hymn
18. Hiding Place
19. His Voice as the Sound
20. Saints Bound for Heaven