1. Bad Luck/Pinball Machine/Doggy Style/Sharpest Thing In The World/Oil Pan/A Real Humdinger/Real Loser
2. Gag/Hotel/Generic Rubbers/The Flasher/Horny Truck Driver/Middle Aged Preacher
3. Gay Men At The Bar/Bizarre Sex/55 Year Old Woman
4. Daddy/Playing House/The Train Ride/The Record Company/Golf Lesson/Guidance Counselor
5. Hypnotist/50th Wedding Anniversary/2 Truck Drivers
6. 14 Year Old In Whorehouse/Impotence/Gin Rummy
7. The Electrician/The Carpenter/The Dentist And The Newlyweds/The Mouse And The Eagle/The Haircut
8. The Natives/The Little Boy And The New House/Shepherds
9. Proctologist/Condom Machine/Pineapples