Humbly I Adore Thee
O Sons and Daughters
Call to Prayer
Phos Hilaron
Anoint and Cheer
Song of Gladness
The Mystery Telling
O Heavenly Word
Phos Hilaron is a deeply devotional Ambient Soundscape with hymns nearly 2000 years old – we chant blissful peace in this perfect moment .
Phos Hilaron ( foss hill-a-ron ) “ Gracious Blessed Gladdening Light “, is one of the oldest known Christian hymns, and was sung in the catacombs in the Second Century. Saint Justin the Martyr cites the text of the hymn around 150 in his dialogue with Trypho. The “Lamp-lighting hymn” was described by Saint Basil around the year 365 as a hymn used centuries before him . Saint Athenogenes and ten disciples sang the Phos Hilaron in joy amidst the flames of martyrdom at Sebaste under the Emperor Diocletian in the year 305 .
Although it pre-dated the Byzantium, it is referred to as “Byzantine” since the hymn was used in the Byzantine vespers liturgy. It is clearly Greek in its musical form and composition while it has a text that is Jewish in origin and conforms to the Jewish calendar in which the day ends and begins at sunset .
Phos Hilaron is still sung in Greek Orthodox churches. It did not become part of the Western tradition until around 1700 and is now included in the Anglican Hymnal . The earliest English translation was made in 1675 . Translations following the line scheme of the original Greek were made by John Keble in 1834 and by Robert Bridges, poet laureate of England, in 1890 .
The version on this album is from the 1982 Hymnal of the Episcopal Church .
Electric Guitar
Jeff Pearce
Electronic Wind Instrument
Kevin Braheny
Pedal Steel Guitar
John Widgren
Producer, Composed By, Engineer, Mastered By, Vocals, Contrabass, Fretless Bass, 12-String Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Keyboards, Percussion, Sound Designer
Paul Avgerinos
Christine Yandell