1. Mrs Ackroyd
2. My Grannys a Wild Flying Dove
3. Rise and Fall of Ghenghis Ackroyd
4. Vincent
5. Where Do You Go to, My Doris
6. Candlelight and Wine
7. Hollands Meat Pies (Ebony Eyes)
8. Fastest Accountant in the West
9. Kippers for Tea (Save Your Kisses for Me)
10. Sparkys Magic Contraceptive
11. Curse of the House of the Baskervilles
12. Three Breasts [#] [*]
13. Breaking Wind Suddenly [*] - Les Barker, Alison Younger
14. Last Inch of Freedom [*] - Les Barker, Pete Morton
15. Murder Ballad [*] - Les Barker, Hilary Spencer
16. Im a Loony from Manchester Way [#] [*]
17. Inconsonants [*]
18. Queens Corgis [*]
19. I Will Love You in the Setting of the Sun [*] - Les Barker, ,
20. Civilised World [*]