Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray
Each Of Us Has A Name
Why Am I Praying
Teach Me O Lord
A Prayer
Praise Song For A New Day
This Gospel How Precious
New York City
Aveenu Malcainu
Together With You
God Bless The Artists
Musical Prayer By Francis Bok
Maggie had it written on her calendar . . . the original release date for this collection of prayers . . . September 11. It had been pushed back several times before any of us knew what would actually happen on that day. That morning while walking my dog, I had no idea when I turned the corner onto Ninth Avenue, I would watch in horror as planes purposely crashed into the World Trade Center. The sadness that engulfed New York City is too hard to describe. I found myself writing my own prayer and humbly adding it to this collection.
When we began our search for prayers, I wasn't sure what we were doing. Now I'm beginning to understand. . . something real about compassion, kindness & tolerance.
- Suzzy
Stewart Lerman,
Suzzy Roche