1. Scene 1 [I/2]: Florence, Italy, 1907. On the street and inisde the church of Santa Croce
[Disc 1]
2. Scene 2 [I/5]: On a carriage to view the Italian countryside
3. Scene 3 [I/6]: Lucys Room in the Pension Bertolini in Florence
4. Scene 4 [II/4]: The garden terrace at the Honeychurch home
5. Scene 5 [II/5]: The drawing room of the Honeychurch home
6. Scene 6 [II/8]: In the carriage and in Mr. Beebes study
7. Scene 7 [II/9]: Lucys room in the Pension Bertolini in Florence
8. A City called heaven
9. My Soul is anchored in the Lord
10. A Nye Werke is Come on Honde
11. Recirative
12. No La Devemos Dormir
13. Recitative
14. Sweet Was the song
15. Recitative
16. An Hymne
17. Gloria Tibi