[Disc 1]
1. Grand Entry
2. Aerialists... Friend Ed: I held you weeping when your Cathy died.
3. Mordeen: Oh, Joe Saul, that baby, Joe Saul!
4. Clowns... Victor: Hello, evrybuddy.
5. La Conchita: A Pulchritudinous Balancing and Juggling Act... Victor: Because... well, Ill tell yo
6. Victor: Y make a fuss and y sweet-talk them an jolly em... Elephants
7. Mordeen: You saw all that, Friend Ed?
8. Friend Ed: When the bodies of man and woman meet in love...
9. The Little People... Mordeen: Im asking too much, I suppose.
10. Irish Medley... Victor: Hey, thats a new tune!
11. Entracte, Liberty Horses... Victor: Oh baby, I unnerstand!
12. Recessional
[Disc 2]
1. Act 2 Introduction; Scene 1. Friend Ed: Gathring wool, Joe Saul?
2. Friend Ed: Well, at breakfast yesterday...
3. Friend Ed: Been meaning to ask you...
4. Scene 2. Joe Saul: You feeling OK, Mordeen?
5. Joe Saul: Now that I see you laid out...
6. Scene 3. Victor: Ive come for my morning coffee.
7. (Quartet) Joe Saul: Take care, take gentle care.
8. Scene 5. Joe Saul: Good Lord! I suddenly feel tired...
9. Scene 6. Mordeen: This is my little white hen...
10. Victor: Oh, my, aint we touchy!
11. Victor: I see your eyes on him, on him!
12. Mordeen: Hush, hush, enough...
13. Scene 7. Mordeen: Theyll be back soon.
14. (Finale) Mordeen: Dance a few sets...
[Disc 3]
1. Act 3 Introduction; Scene 1
2. Scene 2. Victor: He is not here.
3. Victor: Us seamen bold...
4. Scene 3. Friend Ed: No one need get hurt.
5. Victor: You stand, sir...
6. Scene 4. Joe Saul: And, right on cue, here he is.
7. Joe Saul: The smell and feel of things...
8. Friend Ed: Seattle to Long Beach...
9. Friend Ed: Oh, bosh!
10. Victor: You would have killed.
11. Scene 5. Orchestral Interlude Into the Light
12. Scene 6. The Child.
13. Joe Saul: We guard a link of the eternal web...