Cave = JeskynÄ›
Droplet = Kapka
Abyss = Propast
Reel = Naviják
Nugget = Valounek
Fascination = Fascinace
Ceilings = Stropy
Shelter = Úkryt
Marianne = Mariana
Cranny = Puklinka
Lullaby For Anezka = Ukolébavka Pro Anežku
Recorded, mixed and mastered at Studio Indies, Brno, from March 1st till April 10th, 2010.
Released in Czech Republic with the title “JeskynÄ›â€.
Bass, Vocals
Pepa ÄŒervinka,
Cover, Artwork [Brushes, Paints]
Martin VelÃÅ¡ek
Drums, Percussion
Tomáš Paleta
DuÅ¡an SouÄek
Guest, Accordion
Tom HáÄek,
Guest, Acoustic Guitar
Petr Zavadil
Guest, Contrabass [Upright Bass]
Petr Surý
Guest, Trombone
Lukáš Moťka
Guest, Violin
Helena Továrková
Guest, Vocals
Veronika JiÅ™ÃÄková
Guitar, Piano, Vocals, Music By, Lyrics By, Producer
Miroslav Wanek
Layout [Pre-press]
Marek Naglmuller,
Mixed By, Mastered By
Broněk Šmid
Photography By
Romek HanzlÃk
Trumpet, Vocals
Adam Tomášek
Recorded At
Indies Studio
Mixed At
Indies Studio
Mastered At
Indies Studio