Collective Action = Accio Col-lectiva
The Garden Of Happy Cows = El Jardi De Les Vaques Alegres
Xarramandusca (Including Exile)
Good Luck, My Friend = Bona Sort Amic Meu
The Little Dog-Man's Clinical Preludes = Preludis Clinics Del Home-gos
Scalpel = Bisturi
Introduction To Sidewalk Licker = Introduccio De Llepavoreres
Sidewalk Licker = Llepavoreres
Imperfect Elements In Red Quartz = Elements Imperfectes Sobre Quarz Vermell
Imperfect Purity (Element De La Puresa Imperfecte)
Pure And Imperfect Art Element = Element Del Art Pur I Imperfecte
Imperfect Persuasive Element = Element De La Persuasio Imperfecte
The Sea...And Later The Sun...And The Reflection = El Mar. I Llavors Sorti El Sol.. I El Reflexe
Recorded, mixed and mastered in 2010 at Studio Midi-Pyrenees in Caudeval, France
© 2011 Planeta Imaginario
℗ 2011 Cuneiform Records
Clear tray jewel case packaging with 6-page foldout booklet
Jewel case / 6 page booklet
Alto Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Percussion
Alfonso Muñoz
Ángel Rodriguez Morales,
Composed By
Benjami Abad (tracks: 9),
Marc Capel,
Rafa Gómez, (tracks: 1)
Drums, Percussion
Vasco Trilla Gomes Dos Santos,
Fretless Bass
Dimitris Bikos
Guest, Flute
Pablo Selnik (tracks: 9, 10 to13)
Guest, French Horn
Guillem Serra Llorenç (tracks: 1, 2, 5 to 7)
Guest, Tenor Saxophone, Alto Saxophone
Sisu Corominas
Guest, Tenor Saxophone, Soloist [Tenor Sax Solos]
Liba Villavecchia (tracks: 1, 2)
Organ [Hammond], Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes Piano], Piano [Challen Piano], Synthesizer [Yamaha CS60, Jen SX1000], Arranged By
Marc Capel,
Photography By [Band Photos]
Manuel Daniel Rivera
Recorded By, Mixed By, Mastered By
Bob Drake
Technician [Sonic Processing]
Jordi Casadevall
Trombone, Arranged By
The-Hien Trinh
Natsuko Sugao
Andriy Antonovskyi (tracks: 10 to 12)
Alto Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Percussion
Alfonso Muñoz
Bass [Fretless]
Dimitris Bikos
Composed By
Benjami Abad (tracks: 9),
Rafa Gómez, (tracks: 1)
Drums, Percussion
Vasco Trilla Gomes Dos Santos,
Flute [9 To 13]
Pablo Selnik
French Horn [1, 2, 5 To 7]
Guillem Serra Llorenç
Organ [Hammond], Electric Piano, Synthesizer
Marc Capel,
Tenor Saxophone [Solo On 1, 2]
Liba Villavecchia
Tenor Saxophone, Alto Saxophone
Sisu Corominas
The-Hien Trinh
Natsuko Sugao
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Cuneiform Records
Copyright (c)
Planeta Imaginario
Recorded At
Studio Midi-Pyrénées
Mixed At
Studio Midi-Pyrénées
Mastered At
Studio Midi-Pyrénées
Made By
DCA (3)