1. Cest Fun [Its Fun]
2. JAimerais Avoir Cette Danse [Could I Have This Dance]
3. Tit Galop Pour la Pointe aux Pins [A Little Run to Pine Point]
4. Cadeau de Grandp [The Grandfathers Gift]
5. Jambalaya Hot Step [Instrumental]
6. Tites Yeux Noirs [The Little Black Eyes]
7. Gone, Gone, Gone
8. Jig Cadien [The Cajun Jig]
9. Hey, Rock
10. Mouche Dans Mon Couche-Couche [I Have a Fly in My Couche-Couche]
11. Ma Mis [My Misery]
12. Canadian Two-Step [Instrumental]
13. CoulRodaire [The Rodair Coulee]
14. Le Pas Ma Main [Dont Let Go of My Hand]
15. Oh, Ma Belle [Oh My Belle]
16. Accord Qui a Fait le Monde Danser [The Accordion That Made the ...]
17. Quoi Qarrivvec Les Vieux Temps [What Happened to All the Old Times]
18. Bon Whisky [Good Whisky]
19. Mazurka [The Mazurka]
20. Belle de la Campagne [The Dear Country Girl]
21. Plus Mauvaise Belle M [The Meanest Mother-In-Law]
22. Mon Tour Va Venir un Jour [My Turn Will Come One Day]
23. Breakdown de Lafayette [Instrumental]