1. Maudabawn Chapel/The Wild Irishman/The Moher Reel - Kevin Burke & Micheal O Domhnaill,
2. Fahys No 25/Molly on the Shore/Bonnie Anne - The Green Fields of America
3. Stone in the Field/The Steeplechase/The Culfodda Reel - James Keane
4. Dillons Fancy/Maids in the Meadow/Toss the Feathers - Kevin Crawford
5. Paddy Fahys Jig/Sean Ryans Jig - Martin Hayes
6. Robbie Hannans Jigs - Jerry OSullivan
7. Johnny Dohertys/Se�n Sa Cheo/Lady Gordon - Joanie Madden
8. Congress Reel/Down the Broom/The Star of Munster - The Irish Tradition
9. Humours of Ballyloughlin/Knocknagow - Eileen Ivers
10. Green Fields of Woodford/The Cats Rambles - Jack Coen
11. Humours of Bandon/Farewell to Old Decency/Ormond Sound - Billy McComiskey
12. C�l Aodh Jig/The Blue Angel - Buttons & Bows
13. Dunmore Lassies/McFaddens Handsome Daughter - Mick Moloney
14. Scully Caseys/The Tidy Woman - John Williams