1. Articulation of the fingers with quiet hand
2. The passing of the thumb
3. Clarity in velocity
4. Light articulation in half-staccato
5. Evenness in double runs
6. Clarity in broken chords
7. Changing fingers on the same key
8. Light articulation of the left hand
9. Delicacy in skips and staccatos
10. Exercise for thirds
11. Skill in alternating fingers
12. Flexibility of the left hand
13. Maximum velocity
14. Chord passages
15. Wide position in fortissimo
16. Alternating fingers at speed
17. Minor scales at high speed
18. Crossing the hands naturally and with a fine touch
19. Tense positions with a peaceful wrist
20. Double octaves
21. Parallel movement of the hands
22. Exercise for the trill
23. Light touch of the left hand
24. The thumb on the black keys with the hand absolutely quiet
25. Agility and clarity
26. Maximum velocity in arpeggios
27. Independence of the fingers
28. Quiet hand with fast articulation of the fingers
29. Exercise for the turn
30. In order to acquire a firm touch
31. Exercise for the passing of the thumbs
32. Uniformity in raising the fingers
33. Lightness of touch in octave skips
34. Trills of thirds
35. Changing fingers on the same key
36. Lightness of the arm and agility of the fingers
37. Strength and clarity
38. Uniform movement in raising the hands
39. Exercise for thirds
40. Light or half-staccato in chords
41. Fluency of the fingers of the left hand
42. Exercise for double turns
43. Skill in passing of the thumbs
44. The lightest touch together with the greatest digital mobility
45. Legato melody with spread chords
46. Ease of touch and velocity
47. Clear touch in spread chords
48. Exercise for the shake
49. Octaves with bravura
50. Ease of touch and velocity