Servantes, Bonnes Et Lingères
C'est moi, Philosophe!
Mon Tuteur! Monsieur, Devant Lui
Nous Danserons, C'est Bien Mieux
Fête Pastorale (Dance Of Villagers And Farmhands) - Bravo! - C'est ravissant!
Où Chérubin se cache-t-il
Une Chamber!... Rien!
Le Vin Rend Gai, L'amour Rend Fou
L'arme Au Fourreau. Le Duel Est Défendu!
Vous Parlez de Péril, de Crime
La Manola (Dance Of L'Ensoleillad)
Madame, En Votre Appartement
Qui Parle Dans la Nuit Confuse?
Il Est Pris!
Entr'acte - Chérubin! - Un Moment
Aubade: "Vive Amour Qui Rêve, Embrasse Et Fuit
Par Pitié! Ne Pars Pas!
Nina! - Chérubin!
Box contains 180 pages booklet with Notes, Synopsis & libretto in English, German, Italian & French.
on the back of the box "Printed in USA"
on the CDs "Made in Germany"
recorded in april 8-16, 1991
(c) 1992 BMG Music (p) 1992 BMG Music
Manufactured and distributed by BMG Music.
Box contains 180 pages booklet with Notes, Synopsis & libretto in English, German, Italian & French.
on the back of the box "Printed in USA"
on the CDs "Made in Germany"
recorded in april 8-16, 1991
"Printed in USA" on back cover
(c) 1992 BMG Music (p) 1992 BMG Music
Distributed by BMG, A Bertelsmann Music Group company. Printed in Germany.
Chorus of The Bavarian State Opera,
Chorus Master
Udo Mehrpohl
Composed By
Jules Massenet
Pinchas Steinberg
Munich Radio Orchestra,
Frederica von Stade,
June Anderson,
Samuel Ramey
Chorus of The Bavarian State Opera,
Chorus Master
Udo Mehrpohl
Composed By
Jules Massenet
Pinchas Steinberg
Munich Radio Orchestra,
Frederica von Stade,
June Anderson,
Samuel Ramey
Phonographic Copyright (p)
BMG Music
Copyright (c)
BMG Music
Manufactured By
BMG Music
Distributed By
BMG Music
Phonographic Copyright (p)
BMG Music
Copyright (c)
BMG Music
Distributed By