1. Wall Street Blues
2. All I Gots Gone
3. The Fall of 29
4. Brother, Can You Spare A Dime
5. On To Victory, Mr. Roosevelt
6. Franklin D. Roosevelts Back Again
7. Spirit of Phil Murray
8. Joe Worker
9. Song of Social Significance
10. Mene Mene Trekel.
11. Roosevelt in Trinidad
12. The Lady With the Popular Front
13. Arms for the Love of America
14. Ballad of October 16
15. Mr. Roosevelt, Wont You Please Run Again
16. Roosevelts Election
17. Care for Your Car for Your Country
18. Buddy on the Nightshift
19. Root for Roosevelt
20. Rosie the Riveter
21. Hitler in the Snow
22. Ballad of the Nazi Soldiers Wife
23. The Face on the Dime