1. Dance Song - Kjeringji mae staven - Old Woman with the Staff
2. Halling - Kivledal Girls / Lullaby (medley)
3. Springleik - Springdans - Springar - Pols - Dance
4. Polsdans
5. Sand vass bylgjun - Sand-Water Waves / I Valle - In valle / Mae ljos-bl? augo - With Light Blue Eyes / Dei sat so saele - So Happily They Sat (medley)
6. Eg kan kje gl?yme - I Cant Forget / Dei Husmanns d?ttan - The Crofters Daughters (medley)
7. Halling - Acrobatic Solo Dance / Julekvelden - Christmas Eve (medley)
8. Sulla rulla gjertrue mi - Sulla Rulla My Gertrude / Vassro-Fela - Watercreek Fiddle Was Wooden / Bissam, bissam b?ne - Sleep, Sleep My Baby (medley)
9. Springar - Dance
10. Skalgmoyane - Girls from Skalg, The - Gangar
11. The Myllargutens - Miller Boys Wedding March
12. Springar - Dance
13. Cattle Calls
14. Verses from the Draumkvedet - The Vision of Heaven and Hell
15. Roland og Magnus Kongjen - Roland and Charlemagne