1. Xylophone Torung of Bahnar tribe
2. Calebass-Zither Ting Ning of Bahnar tribe
3. Concert of Gongs of Bahnar tribe
4. Calebass-Khene - Knboat of Sedang tribe
5. Xoe folk dance of Thai people
6. Ritual Music of Cham people
7. Love Song - Doh Dam Tara
8. Historical Song - Chay Dalim
9. Funeral Song - Doh Dam Mutai
10. Ritual Music Big Orchestra - Dai Nhac
11. Music Ballet - Ma Vu
12. Music of Classical Theatre - Nam Chien
13. Classical Quintet Ngu Tuyet: Zither Tranh
14. Classical Quintet Ngu Tuyet: Pipa Ty ba
15. Classical Quintet Ngu Tuyet: Viele Nhi
16. Classical Quintet Ngu Tuyet: Moon-Lute Nguyet
17. Classical Quintet Ngu Tuyet: Monostring Bau
18. Luu Thuy
19. Solo Flute - Phuong Vu
20. Ho Ru Con
21. Ho Nen
22. Ho Gia Gao
23. Ho Mai Nhi
24. Ho Lo
25. Thuong Binh/Ganh Lua