1. Link ODay
2. I Just Come from the Fountain
3. Po Mourner
4. You Gonna Reap Just What You Sow
5. Aint That Good News
6. I Stood on the River
7. Certainly, Lawd
8. Railroad Bill
9. Childrens Game Songs
10. Git Up, Chilluns
11. Go to Sleep
12. This Little Light of Mine
13. Easy Rider
14. I Shall Know Him
15. My Lawds Gitting Us Ready
16. One Morning Soon
17. Get Right
18. Stars Begin to Fall
19. Better Day A-Coming
20. Salagandou
21. Step This Way
22. Im in Trouble
23. Stand Still, Jordan
24. Do Lawd, Remember Me (Do Lord Remember Me)
25. Trouble
26. Gwine to Alabamy
27. Come & Go with Me to My Fathers House
28. Before the Sun Goes Down
29. How Come Me Here?
30. March On