1. This is Howard Langer In New York?
2. Here is Justice Douglas now in the...
3. Justice Douglas, what is the function?
4. What does the court decide as?
5. Does the Supreme Court have any role?
6. Which Supreme Court Justice has had?
7. What qualities in him did you admire?...
8. Justice Douglas, you are considered?
9. What is a typical weeks schedule in?
10. Is that the routine thorughout the?
11. How is the voting done? Is that done?
12. Justice Douglas, during your lifetime?
13. Speaking about mountains, you once wrote?
14. You have traveled all over the world?
15. In what ways are we being misunderstood by?
16. In your estimation, have we been gaining?
17. Do you have any idea as to how this can?
18. Do you think, then, that a study of?
19. Justice Douglas, if you had a chance to?