1. The Story of Poggatatuck and Ashwa: Going Back in Time
2. The Story of Poggatatuck and Ashwa: The Enchanted Spring
3. The Story of Poggatatuck and Ashwa: The Dream of Poggatatuck
4. The Story of Poggatatuck and Ashwa: Poggatatuck Courts Princess Ashwa
5. The Story of Poggatatuck and Ashwa: The Marriage of Poggatatuck and Ashwa
6. Tiana and the Isle of the Dead: The Importance of Water
7. Tiana and the Isle of the Dead: Tiana Grows Up
8. Tiana and the Isle of the Dead: The Tragedy of the Montauketts
9. Tiana and the Isle of the Dead: Tiana Saves the Montuaketts
10. Tiana and the Isle of the Dead: Tianas Failure at Monchonock Island
11. Tiana and the Isle of the Dead: Tiana Comes Back Home