1. Elementary Sounds and Their Various Spellings: Voyelles Orales (Sec. 1, p. 3)
2. Elementary Sounds and Their Various Spellings: Voyelles Nasales (Sec. 1, p. 4)
3. Elementary Sounds and Their Various Spellings: Consonants (Sec. 1, p. 5)
4. Pronunciation Drill Based on Cognates: Sec. 2, Part 1
5. Pronunciation Drill Based on Cognates: Sec. 2, Part 2
6. Pronunciation Drill Based on Cognates: Sec. 2, Part 3
7. Pronunciation Drill Based on Cognates: Sec. 3, Part 1
8. Pronunciation Drill Based on Cognates: Sec. 3, Part 2
9. Pronunciation Drill Based on Cognates: Sec. 4, Part 1
10. Pronunciation Drill Based on Cognates: Sec. 4, Part 2
11. Expressions: Sec. 4, Part 3
12. Pronunciation Drill Based on Cognates: Sec. 5, Part 1
13. Pronunciation Drill Based on Cognates: Sec. 5, Part 2
14. Expressions: Sec. 5, Part 3