1. Group I (Latin Group) from Mama to Atom
2. Pronunciation of sk and st from Skot to Soska
3. Pronunciation of Unstressed o from Toska to Koketka / Pronunciation of z from Taz to Smazka
4. Expressions from Kto Tam? to To Mesto
5. Group II Pronunciation of Vv from Moskva to Stavka
6. Pronunciation of Nn from Kanzas to Antonov
7. Pronunciation of Rr from Teatr to Raketa
8. Pronunciation of Uu from Um to Turok
9. Pronunciation of KHkh from Akh! to Okhrana
10. Group III Pronunciation of Bb from Bank to Truoka
11. Pronunciation of Ii from Instruktor to Karaoin
12. Pronunciation of Gg from Gitara to Brig
13. Pronunciation of Dd from Doktor to Zavod
14. Pronunciation of ZHzh from Serzhant to Nozhka
15. Pronunciation of Ll from London to Khalva
16. Pronunciation of Pp from Papa to Portret
17. Pronunciation of Ff from Figura to Paragraf
18. Pronunciation of YAya from Kaliforniya to Yaponiya
19. Pronunciation of TSts from Ofitser to Vitse Prezident
20. Pronunciation of CHch from Chek to Zhuchka
21. Pronunciation of SHsh from Sherman to Shakh
22. Pronunciation of SHCHshch from Tovarishch to Shchelkunchik
23. Pronunciation of YUyu from Uvertyura to Syuzhet
24. Pronunciation of Yy from Byl to Kamyshi
25. Pronunciation of Ee from Etyud to Pyure
26. Pronunciation of Ee from Liker to Led
27. Pronunciation of Ii from Boi-Boi to Interesnyi
28. Hard and Soft Vowels and Consonants from Bulon to Semya-Semya
29. Every-Day Expressions from Zdravstvuite! to Daite Mne