1. A Basic Strum
2. Now with the left hand
3. Now with the index finger
4. The Fifth String
5. Now take that same song
6. Hammering On
7. Heres a little bit of the
8. Pulling Off
9. Well, now, if you study the
10. Double Thumbing
11. Now, for just one more time
12. Now, not all songs, alfterall
13. Heres the song. Hard Aint It Hard
14. Frailing
15. In the G tuning, you might try
16. Now, frailing is the best way
17. Three-Finger Picking
18. Heres another devleopment of
19. Heres the song, Cindy
20. A Loud Strum
21. Here is a variation of the above
22. Three Micscellaneous Postscripts
23. If you ever want to play a
24. A roll is a special banjo effect
25. 3/4 and 6/8 Time
26. Using this method, and a little
27. For a more sustained effect
28. Incidentally, this type of
29. Now 6/8 time is the same
30. Blues and Jazz
31. Another common blues guitar
32. Heres a sample blues passage
33. Spanish and South American Guitar Techniques
34. Heres one way to get a rhumba
35. Heres still another way of
36. This last pattern can be