1. African Politics
2. Musili Mbatha/Syita Ya Wathi (Headman Mbatha/My Dancing Name)
3. Uhuru Kweli Ni Kujitegemea (Viable Independence is Self- Reliance
4. Mageuzo Tupu (Changes Only)
5. Walikuja Pole Pole (They Came Slowly)
6. Nyie (Once you are Born...)
7. Ambiie (She Told Me)
8. Kathamba
9. Kuka Ngooka (Coming Home)
10. Does it have to be so Bad
11. Ndyisi Undu Ngeka/Ndukalee (I Dont Know What I Shall Do)
12. Kiwete Na Kipofu (The Blindman and the Cripple)