1. Thomas Love Peacock: The Wise Men of Gotham
2. John Clare: On a Lane in Spring
3. John Masefield: Mother Carey
4. Lord Tennyson: The Brook
5. Walter de la Mare: Five Eyes
6. James Stephens: The Fifteen Acres
7. William Wordsworth: I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud
8. W.S. Gilbert: The Yarn of the Nancy Bell
9. William Blake: England Awake!
10. John Keats: Old Meg
11. Edward Lear: The Owl and the Pussycat
12. Rudyard Kipling: The Snow Lies Thick on Valley Forge
13. John Clare: Clock-a-Clay
14. Ralph Hodgson: Eve
15. Thomas Hardy: Weathers
16. W.B. Yeats: The Fiddler of Dooney
17. Edward Lear: Calico Pie
18. A.E. Housman: Loveliest of Trees
19. Walter de la Mare: Off the Ground