1. Warm-up and take-off of jet
2. Overhead pass
3. Overhead passes
4. Close overhead pass
5. Jet engine shut down
6. Small plane warm-up
7. Convair take-off
8. Turbo-prop taxi
9. Small plane warm up and taxi
10. Horse and carriage
11. Times Square traffic
12. Rain
13. Thunder
14. 2-cycle old fashioined gas engine
15. Door chimes
16. Crickets
17. Fly, bluesottle
18. Dyanmite, distant and close
19. Pistol shots
20. Henhouse, rooster crow
21. Crows with variety of other birds
22. Chinese gong
23. Baby, crying
24. Baby, happy
25. Ships whistle
26. U.S.N. cruiser missle
27. Foghorn
28. Ships bell
29. General alarm
30. Ships siren
31. Gulls, fish dock, screaming