1. Great Minerva: Temple of Minerva, The: Pasticcio (from Handels Judas Maccadaeus)
2. Lord of Hosts,The: Christmas Anthem,A
3. Bind Kings With Chains From Psalm 149
4. Hallelujah: Feast of Tabernacles,The
5. Sunset: Flower Festival Cantata
6. Lord Make the Woman: Ruth and Naomi
7. Work Boys, Work: Ruth the Gleaner
8. Praise Ye the Lord
9. Yes! To the Work: Haymakers
10. Alleuia, Christ is Risen: Christ the Victor
11. The Caravan of the Magi: The Coming of the King
12. It Was the Winter World: Nativity,The
13. In far-off Eastern Country: Holy Child,The
14. Lord Bless Thee,The: Ruth and Naomi
15. Lord Make the Woman
16. Praise Him,O Ye Heaven: Noel, A Christmas Pastorale
17. Flash the Street With Jasper: Celestial Country,The