1. Youll Sing a Song and Ill Sing a Song [DVD]
2. Jambo [DVD]
3. Lets All Sing a Yodeling Song [DVD]
4. Go Miss Mary Mack [DVD]
5. This Pretty Planet [DVD]
6. The Marvelous Toy [DVD]
7. Toom-Bah-Ee-Lero [DVD]
8. Tah-Boo [DVD]
9. I Know a City Called Okeechobee [DVD]
10. Milky Way [DVD]
11. The World Is Big, The World Is Small [DVD]
12. Different [DVD]
13. Rushing Around Russia [DVD]
14. A Pirates Life [DVD]
15. I Know a Tom [DVD]
16. Jarocho II [DVD]
17. Finale: Sing Me a Song Again, Ella [DVD]
18. The Hadrosaur from Hackensack [DVD][*]