1. The Jewel And The Lotus Mantra
2. The Purification Mantra Of The Thousand Armed Chenrayzig, Buddha Of Love And Compassion
3. Female Buddha Taras Mantra
4. The Seven Line Prayer To Padma Sambhava, The Lotus Born Guru
5. The Wisdon Mantra, From The Heart Sutra
6. Calling The Lama From Afar
7. Vajra Guru Mantra/Vajra Guru Padma Sambhavas Mantra
8. Trikaya Buddha Mantra Chant
9. Obstacle Removing And Path-Clearing Prayer
10. Female Buddha Taras Mantra (Om Tare)
11. The Purification Mantra (Part Two)
12. Two Prayers To The Precious Master-Guru
13. Female Buddha Taras Mantra (Reprise)