La Sylphide (Music For The Bournonville Ballet)
Act I, Overture
Act I, I Introduction
Act I, II Effy's Entrance
Act I, III James - Effy - The Witch - The Fortune-Teller Scene
Act I, IV James And The Sylphide - The Window Scene
Act I, V Arrival Of The Guests - Pas D'Ecossaise
Act I, VI Pas De Deux - Reel
Act I, VII Finale
Act II, I The Witch Scene
Act II, II James And The Sylphide - The Forest Scene
Act II, III The Sylphide Calls The Sylphs
Act II, IV The Sylph Scene - Divertissement
Act II, V James Chasing The Sylphide
Act II, VI Gurn - The Witch - Effy
Act II, VII James And The Witch - The Scarf
Act II, VIII Finale
Act II, Pas De Deux
Ⓟ 1986 Chandos Records Ltd.
Ⓒ 2004 Chandos Records Ltd.
Printed in the EU
Public Domain
TT 71:42
This recording was made with the financial support of:
Danish Foreign Ministry
Danish Cultural Ministry
Konsul George Jorck og Hustru Emma Jorcks Fond
Augustinus Fonden
Alistair Buchanan Associates Ltd.
Recording venue: Old [sic, should be Odd] Fellows' Hall, Copenhagen; 2-4 June 1986
Composed By
Herman Severin Løvenskiold,
Conductor, Liner Notes
David Garforth
Tim Feeley
Liner Notes
Erik Aschengreen,
Ole Nørlyng
Liner Notes [Translation]
Gaye Kynoch
Royal Danish Orchestra,
Producer [Recording]
Tim Handley
Typography [Booklet Typeset By]
Michael White-Robinson
Kim Sjøgren
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Chandos Records Ltd
Copyright (c)
Chandos Records Ltd
Recorded At
Odd Fellow Palæet