Cerulean Hodiernal
Auditory Hallucinations
Tape Transcriptions
Dangerous Machinery Audio Productions™ Record Label was founded in 2008 by Cole Younger/A.K.A (dadagraph™), (ADAPTER™), and (Delusional Visionary™) Cole began his musical visions at the young age of 12, learning guitar and bass. At the age of 16, several bands were comprised dealing with 3-piece alternative rock music, though he felt a lack of substance and creativity within that genre of music. After high school, his roomate introduced him to computers, which he became quickly aquainted with.
The arrangements in "Cerulean Hodiernal" are the second installment of a continuing audio soundscape, for the multimedia art project titled: (mitciV/Collectables). It is composed using custom modular synthesizer equipment, along with (DAW) programming in post production.