1. Blessed Is the Man
2. Lord, I Cry Unto Thee
3. O Gladsome Radiance
4. The Lord Reigns
5. Now Lettest Thou Depart
6. Magnification to the St.fathers of Pechersk Lavra
7. The Great Doxology
8. Under Your Mercy
9. Bless the Lord, O My Soul
10. Small Ekteny
11. Praise the Lord, O My Soul
12. O Thou, the Only Beggoten Son
13. Come, Let Us Worship
14. Thou Had Kept Thy Virginity in Birthgiving
15. Neither the Tomb Nor Death
16. O Lord, Save the Devout Onec
17. Trisagion
18. Amen
19. Cherubical Hymn
20. The One Is Holy
21. O Ye Apostles, From All Parts
22. Exclaim, O David
23. When Passing Away
24. Blessed Be Who Is Coming in the Lords Name
25. The Body of Christ
26. Blessed the Name of the Lord
27. Many Years
28. Holiday Chime