Lekht Bentshn = Blessing The Candles
Gevald, Gevald Police = Help, Help, Police
Oylom Habu = The World To Come
A Brivele Der Mamen = A Letter To Mother
Gebet Far Der Khupe = Prayer Before The Wedding Ceremony
Bas Yerusholayim = The Daughter Of Jerusalem
Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen = Raisins And Almonds
A Kind Un A Heym = A Homeless Child
Dos Fartribene Taybele = The Exiled Dove
Ale Vayber Megn Shtimen = All Women Can Vote
A Bisl Yoysher = A Bit Of Justice
Vu Iz Mayn Yukel? = Where Is My Yukel?
A Brivel Tsu Mayn Man = A Letter To My Husband
Yankele Karmantshik = Yankele "Little Pickpocket"
Shabes, yontef un roshkhoydesh = Sabbath, Holiday and the New Moon
Vu Iz Mayn Kind? = Where Is My Child?
Dem Rebns Moyfsim = The Rebbe’s Miracles
Annie, Ikh Shtarb Avek Nukh Dir = Annie, I’m Dying For You
Di Primadonna
Di Eybike Mame = The Eternal Mother
3:26 |
[Track 1] Beka Grand 44126 (44126#), Lemberg, early 1909.
[Track 2]
Zonophone X103005 (1963 e), London, 17 March, 1905.[Track 3] Victor 67185-A (47??r), originally recorded in Lemberg, May-June 1908.
[Track 4] Zonophone 3051 (9048), New York, December 1908.
[Track 5] Columbia E6102 (1-26164), Lemberg, November 1909.
[Track 6] Victor 69466-A (B 17860-1), New York, 15 or 16 June, 1916.
[Track 7] Victor 69540-A (B 17915-1), New York, 22 June, 1916.
[Track 8] Columbia E 2856 (43677-2), New York, early 1916.
[Track 9]
Columbia E 3234 (44728-2), New York, early 1917.[Track 10] Columbia E 4785 (86199-3), New York, ca. April 1920.
[Track 11] Emerson 13189 (41893-2), New York, July 1921
[Track 12] Banner Records 2090 (5082-1), New York, February 1923
[Track 13]
Victor 73743-? (B 27575-2), New York, 26 February 1923[Track 14] Pathé-Actuelle 03674A (N 105175), New York, ca. March 1924.
[Track 15] Columbia 8030-F (89956-1), New York, ca. May 1924.
[Track 16] Pathé-Actuelle 03684A (N 105328), New York, ca. 23 May 1924.
[Track 17] Pathé-Actuelle 03688B (N 105630), New York, November 1924.
[Track 18] Victor 45485-A (B 31271-7), New York, 27 January, 1925.
[Track 19] Co 8128-F (107671-2), New York, February, 1927.
[Track 20] French Polydor 561158, New York, 19 March, 1927.
[Track 21]
Columbia 8140-F (W 108002-1), New York, June 1927.[Track 22] Victor V-9023 (BVE 57062-2), New York, 4 November 1929.
[Track 23] Columbia 8182-F (W 109849-3), New York, October 1928.
Sources of the recordings:
Track 18 is from the private collection of
Julian Futter, London
Track 22 is from the Max and Frieda Weinstein Sound Archives at the
Yivo Institute For Jewish Research, New York (YIVO 1105)
All other recordings are from the private collection of Rita Ottens and Joel E. Rubin (Chemjo Vinaver Collection)
Digital processing of historical recordings and mastering: Truesound Transfers
[Total duration] 73:15
All texts © Schott Music & Media GmbH
© + ? 2003 WERGO, a division of Schott Music & Media GmbH, Mainz, Germany
Manufactured and printed in Germany
File under: Theater / Operetta / Jewish / Religious / Historical
Packaging: clear tray jewel case with 36-page booklet, including German and English liner notes
Co-producer [Co-production] – - Jewish Cultural Programming and Research GbR , - WERGO
Producer, Editor – - Joel E. Rubin *, - Rita Ottens
Restoration [Digital Processing Of Historical Recordings], Mastered By [Mastering] – - Christian Zwarg
Phonographic Copyright WERGO
Copyright WERGO
Copyright Schott Music amp Media GmbH
Produced For Pro Musica Viva Maria StreckerDaelen Stiftung
Produced For Jewish Cultural Programming and Research GbR
Record Company Schott Music amp Media GmbH
Engineered At Truesound Transfers
Mastered At Truesound Transfers
Pressed By Sonopress