Remote Control Dive Astronomy Cloak And Dagger Crocodile Tears Shaken Not Stirred Sting In The Tale Marimba Slow To Fade... BONUS TRACKS Good Technology Fact Paris France Steeltown Within Four Walls Heartbeat Go!
Track 1-9 (p)1988 Self Drive Records, Track 13-16* (p)1985 Rough Trade Records. This Compilation (C)2002 Cherry Red Records.
*CD only has 15 tracks, but sleeve notes indicate 16 (not by title, simply by this number). Bonus tracks mastered from vinyl.
Typo on rear lists track 13 as: Steeltow In the discography in the fold-out mini-poster insert, track 14 is written as: Within 4 Walls And track 15 as: Heartbeat Go
The discography says the first version of this CD was released concurrently in 1984 along with the LP/cass., but in fact it was issued a few years after this - likely in 1986. It also erroneously says the second LP is from 1988, when it's actually from 1986.
"Marimba" is usually written (on other versions) as "Marimba Jive."
Engineer [Assistant] – - Neil Drake Producer – - Red Guitars Producer, Engineer – - Roy Neave