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Condition: New, UPC: 50228102138260, Publication Date: 04/20/2004, Type: COMPACT DISC, Style: CLASSICAL/OPERA / OPERETTA / ORATORIO,
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HMS Pinafore
Act 1: We Sail The Ocean Blue
Act 1: Hail, Men 'O War's Men
Act 1: I'm Called Little Buttercup
Act 1: But Tell Me, Who's The Youth?
Act 1: The Nightingale Sighed For The Moon's Bright Ray
Act 1: A Maiden Fair To See
Act 1: My Gallant Crew, Good Morning
Act 1: I Am The Captain Of The Pinafore
Act 1: Sir, You Are Sad
Act 1: Sorry Her Lot Loves Too Well
Act 1: Over The Bright Blue Sea
Act 1: I Am The Monarch Of The Sea
Act 1: When I Was A Lad, I Served A Term
Act 1: A British Tar Is A Soaring Soul
Act 1: Refrain, Audacious Tar
Act 1: Can I Survive This Overbearing?
Act 1: Oh Joy, Oh Rapture Unforeseen
Act 1: This Very Night
Act 1: Let's Give Three Cheers
Act 1: Entr'Acte
Act 2: Fair Moon, To Thee I Sing
Act 2: Things Are Seldom What They Seem
Act 2: The Hours Creep On Apace
Act 2: Never Mind The Why & Wherefore
Act 2: Kind Captain, I'Ve Important Information
Act 2: Carefully On Tiptoe Stealing
Act 2: Pretty Daughter Of Mine
Act 2: He Is An Englishman
Act 2: In Uttering A Reprobation
Act 2: Farewell My Own
Act 2: A Many Years Ago
Act 2: Oh Joy, Oh Rapture Unforeseen (Reprise)
Act 1: Fair Is Rose As Bright May Day
Act 1: Sir Rupert Murgatroyd
Act 1: If Somebody There Chanced To Be
Act 1: I Know A Youth Who Loves A Little Maid
Act 1: From The Briny Sea
Act 1: I Shipp'd, D'ye See, In A Revenue Sloop
Act 1: My Boy, You May Take It From Me
Act 1: If Well His Suit Has Sped
Act 1: In Sailing O'er Life's Ocean Wide
Act 1: Cheerily, Carols The Lark
Act 1: To A Garden Full Of Posies
Act 1: Welcome Gentry For Your Entry
Act 1: Oh, Why Am I Moody And Sad?
Act 1: You Understand?
Act 1: Hail, The Bride Of Seventeen Summers
Act 1: When The Buds Are Blossoming
Act 1: Hold, Bride And Bridegroom
Act 1: Oh, Happy The Lily
Act 2: I Once Was As Meek As A New-Born Lamb
Act 2: Happily Coupled Are We
Act 2: In Bygone Days, I Had Thy Love
Act 2: Painted Emblems Of A Race
Act 2: When The Night Wind Howls
Act 2: He Yields! He Yields!
Act 2: I Once Was A Very Abandoned Person
Act 2: My Eyes Are Fully Open
Act 2: There Grew A Little Flower
Act 2: Oh, Happy The Lily
Patience And The Mikado (Overture)
Act 1: Twenty Lovesick Maidens We
Act 1: Still Brooding On Their Mad Infatuation
Act 1:I Cannot Tell What This Love May Be
Act 1: The Soldiers Of Our Queen
Act 1: In A Doleful Train... Twenty Lovesick Maidens We
Act 1: When I First Put This Uniform On
Act 1: Am I Alone And Unobserved?
Act 1: Long Years, Fourteen Maybe
Act 1: Prithee Pretty Maiden
Act 1: Let The Merry Cymbals Sound
Act 1: Now Tell Us, We Pray You
Act 1: Your Maiden Hearts
Act 1: Come Walk Up And Purchase With Avidity
Act 1: True Love Must Single-Hearted Be
Act 1: I Hear The Soft Note... But Who Is This?
Act 2: Sad Is That Woman's Lot
Act 2: Turn, Oh Turn In This Direction
Act 2: A Magnet Hung In A Hardware Shop
Act 2: Love Is A Plaintive Song
Act 2: So Go To Him And Say To Him
Act 2: It's Clear That Medieval Art Alone Retains Its Zest
Act 2: If Saphir I Choose To Marry
Act 2: When I Go Out Of Door
Act 2: I'm A Waterloo House Young Man
Act 2: After Much Debate Internal
The Mikado: Overture
The Mikado (Remainder)
Act 1: If You Want To Know Who We Are
Act 1: Gentlemen, I Pray You Tell Me
Act 1: A Wand'ring Minstrel, I
Act 1: Our Great Mikado, Virtuous Man
Act 1: Young Man, Despair
Act 1: And Have I Journey'd For A Month
Act 1: Behold The Lord High Executioner!
Act 1: As Some Day It May Happen
Act 1: Comes A Train Of Little Ladies
Act 1: Three Little Maids From School
Act 1: So Please You, Sir, We Much Regret
Act 1: Were You Not To Ko-Ko Plighted?
Act 1: I Am So Proud
Act 1: With Aspect Stern
Act 1: Your Revels Cease!
Act 1: The Hour Of Gladness
Act 2: Braid The Raven Hair
Act 2: The Sun, Whose Rays Are All Ablaze
Act 2: Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day
Act 2: Here's A How-De-Do!
Act 2: Miya Sama, Miya Sama
Act 2: A More Humane Mikado
Act 2: The Criminal Cried
Act 2: See How The Fates Their Gifts Allot
Act 2: The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring
Act 2: Alone, And Yet Alive!
Act 2: Hearts Do Not Break
Act 2: On A Tree By A River A Little Tom-Tit
Act 2: There Is Beauty In The Bellow Of The Blast
Act 2: For He's Gone And Married Yum-Yum
Trail By Jury / The Pirates Of Penzance (Act 1)
Hark The Hour Of Ten Is Sounding
Now, Jurymen, Hear My Advice
Is This The Court Of The Exchequer?
When First My Old, Old Love I Knew
Silence In Court... All Hail, Great Judge
When I, Good Friends, Was Called To The Bar
Swear Thou The Jury
Where Is The Plaintiff?
Comes The Broken Flower
Oh, Never, Never, Never
May It Please You, M'Lud!
That She Is Reeling Is Plain To Me
Oh Gentlemen, Listen
That Seems A Reasonable Proposition
A Nice Dilemma We Have Here
I Love Him, I Love Him
The Question, Gentlemen, Is One Of Liquor
Oh Joy Unbounded
Pirates Of Penzance - Overture
Act 1: Pour, Oh Pour The Pirate Sherry
Act 1: When Frederic Was A Little Lad
Act 1: Oh Better Far To Live And Die (I Am A Pirate King)
Act 1: Oh, False One, You Have Deceived Me
Act 1: What Shall I Do?... Climbing Over Rocky Mountain
Act 1: Stop, Ladies, Pray!
Act 1: Oh, Is There Not One Maiden Breast?
Act 1: Oh, Sisters, Deaf To Pity's Name
Act 1 : Poor Wandering One
Act 1: What Ought We To Do?
Act 1: Stay, We Must Not Lose Our Senses
Act 1: Here's A First Rate Opportunity
Act 1: Hold, Monsters!
Act 1: I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General
Act 1: Oh, Men Of Dark And Dismal Fate
Act 1: I'm Telling A Terrible Story
Act 1: Oh, Master, Hear One Word
Act 1: Pray Observe The Magnanimity
The Pirates Of Penzance (Act 2) / Iolanthe (First Part)
Act 2: Oh, Dry The Glistening Tear
Act 2: Then, Frederic, Let Your Escort Lion-Hearted
Act 2: When The Foeman Bares His Steel
Act 2: Now For The Pirates Lair!
Act 2: Young Frederic!
Act 2: When You Had Left Our Pirate Fold
Act 2: Away, Away! My Heart's On Fire
Act 2: All Is Prepared
Act 2: Stay, Frederic, Stay!
Act 2: Ah, Leave Me Not To Pine
Act 2: In 1940 I Of Age Shall Be
Act 2: No, I'll Be Brave!
Act 2: Though In Body And In Mind
Act 2: A Policeman's Lot
Act 2: A Rollicking Band Of Pirates We
Act 2: With Cat-Like Tread
Act 2: Hush, Hush! Not A Word
Act 2: Sighing Softly To The River
Act 2: And What Is This, And What Is That?
Act 2: Frederic Here! Oh Joy!
Act 2: Poor Wandering Ones
Iolanthe - Overture
Act 1: Tripping Hither, Tripping Thither
Act 1: Iolanthe!
Act 1: Good Morrow, Good Mother
Act 1: Fare Thee Well, Attractive Stranger
Act 1: Good Morrow, Good Lover
Act 1: None Shall Put Us Apart From Each Other
Act 1: Loudly Let The Trumpet Bray!
Act 1: The Law Is The True Embodiment
Act 1: My Well-Loved Lord And Guardian Dear
Act 1: Of All The Young Ladies I Know
Act 1: Nay, Tempt Me Not
Act 1: Spurn Not The Nobly Born
Act 1: My Lords, It May Not Be
Act 1: A Shepherd I
Act 1: When I Went To The Bar
Iolanthe (Remainder) / The Gondoliers (First Part)
Act 1: When Darkly Looms the Day
Act 1: Oh, Shameless One, Trmble!
Act 1: In Babyhood Upon Her Lap I Lay
Act 1: For Riches And Rank That You Befall
Act 1: To You I Give My Heart
Act 1: Tripping Hither, Tripping Thither
Act 1: The Lady Of My Love
Act 1: Go Away, Madam
Act 1: Oh, Chancellor Unwary
Act 1: Young Stephon Is The Kind Of Lout (With Stephon For Your Foe)
Act 2: When All Night Long A Chap Remains
Act 2: Stephon's A Member Of Parliament
Act 2: When Britain Really Rules The Waves
Act 2: In Vain To Us You Plead
Act 2: Oh, Foolish Fay
Act 2: Though P'r'aps I May Incur Your Blame
Act 2: Love, Unrequited, Robs Me Of My Rest
Act 2: When You're Lying Awake With A Dismal Headache
Act 2: If You Go In, You're Sure To Win
Act 2: If We're Weak Enough To Tarry
Act 2: My Lord, A Suppliant At Your Feet I Knell
Act 2: He Loves! If In The Bygone Years
Act 2: It May Not Be
Act 2: Soon As We May
The Gondoliers - Overture
Act 1: List And Learn, Ye Dainty Roses
Act 1: Good Morrow, Pretty Maids
Act 1: For The Merriest Fellows We Are
Act 1: Buon'giorno, Signorine
Act 1: We're Called Gondolieri
Act 1: And Now To Choose Your Brides
Act 1: Thank You, Gallant Gondolieri
The Gondoliers (Remainder)
Act 1: From The Sunny Spanish Shore
Act 1: In Enterprise Of Martial Kind
Act 1: O Rapture When Alone Together
Act 1: There Was A Time
Act 1: I Stole The Prince
Act 1: But, Bless My Heart
Act 1: Try We Life-Long
Act 1: Bridegroom And Bride
Act 1: When A Merry Maiden Marries
Act 1: Kind Sir, You Cannot Have The Heart
Act 1: Do Not Give Way
Act 1: Then One Of Us Will Be Queen
Act 1: Replying We Sing
Act 1: For Everyone Who Feels Inclined
Act 1: Come, Lets Let's Away
Act 1: Them Away We Go To An Island Fair
Act 2 - Of Happiness The Very Pith
Act 2: Rising Early In The Morning
Act 2: Take A Pair Of Sparkling Eyes
Act 2: Here We Are, At The Risk Of Our Lives
Act 2: Dance A Cachucha, Fandango, Bolero
Act 2: There Lived A King
Act 2: In A Contemplative Fashion
Act 2: With Ducal Pomp And Ducal Pride
Act 2: On The Day When I Was Wedded
Act 2: To Help Unhappy Commoners
Act 2: Small Titles And Orders
Act 2: I Am A Courtier Grave And Serious
Act 2: Here Is A Case Unprecendented
Act 2: Let The Loyal Lieges Gather Round
Act 2: The Royal Prince
The Yeomen Of The Guard (First Part)
Act 1 - When Maiden Loves
Act 1: Tower Warders, Under Orders
Act 1: When Our Gallant Foes
Act 1: Alas, I Waver To And Fro
Act 1: Is Life A Boon?
Act 1: Here's A Man Of Jollity
Act 1: I Have A Song To Sing, O!
Act 1: How Say You, Maiden, Will You Wed?
Act 1: I've Jibe And Joke
Act 1: 'Tis Done!, I Am A Bride!
Act 1: Were I Thy Bride
Act 1: Oh, Sergeant Meryll, Is It True?
Act 1: Forebear My Friends
Act 1: The Prisoner Comes To Meet His Doom
Act 2: Night Has Spread Her Pall Once More
Act 2: Oh! A Private Buffoon Is A Light-Hearted Loon
Act 2: Hereupon We're Both Agreed
Act 2: Free From His Fetters Grim
Act 2: Strange Adventure!
Act 2: Hark! What Was That, Sir?
Act 2: A Man Who Would Woo A Fair Maid
Act 2: When A Wooer Goes A-Wooing
The Yeomen Of The Guard (Remainder) / Orchestra Selections
Act 2: Pretty Young Bride
Act 2: Hold, Pretty One!
Act 2: All Thought Of Leonard Meryll Set Aside
Orchestral Selection 'HMS Pinafore'
Orchestral Selection 'Yeoman Of The Guard'
Overture 'Di Ballo'
Opening Dance - Ballet Suite 'Pinapple Poll'
Poll's Dance And Pas De Deux - Ballet Suite 'Pinapple Poll'
Belaye's Solo - Ballet Suite 'Pinapple Poll'
Pas De Trois - Ballet Suite 'Pinapple Poll'
Finale - Ballet Suite 'Pinapple Poll'
Poll's Solo - Ballet Suite 'Pinapple Poll'
Jasper's Solo - Ballet Suite 'Pinapple Poll'
Belaye's Solo And Sailor's Drill - Ballet Suite 'Pinapple Poll'
Poll's Solo - Ballet Suite 'Pinapple Poll'
Entry Of Belaye With Blanche As Bride - Ballet Suite 'Pinapple Poll'
Reconcilliation - Ballet Suite 'Pinapple Poll'
Grande Finale - Ballet Suite 'Pinapple Poll'


Made in England.
Includes 18-page booklet.
Total playing time: 12:28:52.
(p) (c) 2004 Avid Entertainment.


Baritone Vocals
– - Alan Styler
, - Donald Harris (4)
, - Eric Thornton
, - Fisher Morgan
, - Geoffrey Sanders
, - Henry Goodier
, - Leslie Rands
, - Martyn Green
, - Peter Pratt
, - Richard Watson (6)
Bass Vocals
– - Radley Flynn
Bass-Baritone Vocals
– - Darrell Fancourt
, - Richard Walker (10)
– - George Weldon
(tracks: 10-6), - Isidore Godfrey
(tracks: 1-1 to 1-33, 2-1 to 2-29, 3-1 to 3-27, 4-1 to 4-30, 5-1 to 5-37, 6-1 to 6-37, 7-1 to 7-32, 8-1 to 8-31, 9-1 to 9-23, 10-1 to 10-3), - Charles Mackerras * (tracks: 10-7 to 10-18), - Stanford Robinson (tracks: 10-4, 10-5)Contralto Vocals – - Ann Drummond-Grant , - Caryl Fane , - Ella Halman
Coordinator [Compilation] – - Hugh Palmer
Cover – - Peter Cuff (2)
Engineer [Remastering] – - David Wright (9)
Engineer [Transfer], Engineer [Remastering] – - Dave Bennett
Mezzo-soprano Vocals – - Joan Gillingham , - Joyce Wright (2) , - Yvonne Dean
Orchestra – - BBC Theater Orchestra * (tracks: 10-4, 10-5), - Birmingham Symphony Orchestra * (tracks: 10-6), - Sadler's Wells Orchestra (tracks: 10-7 to 10-18)Orchestra, Chorus – - D'Oyly Carte Opera Company (tracks: 1-1 to 1-33, 2-1 to 2-29, 3-1 to 3-27, 4-1 to 4-30, 5-1 to 5-37, 6-1 to 6-37, 7-1 to 7-32, 8-1 to 8-31, 9-1 to 9-23, 10-1 to 10-3)Soprano Vocals – - Deidree Thurlow , - Enid Walsh , - Joyce Hill , - Margaret Mitchell (2) , - Muriel Harding
Tenor Vocals – - Neville Griffiths , - Tom Hancock


Phonographic Copyright Avid Entertainment
Copyright Avid Entertainment

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