1. Rhythms On Parade
2. The Mice Go Marching
3. Woodpecker
4. Roller Coaster
5. Jingle Bell Bees
6. Mother Goose Has Rhythmical Rhymes
7. Kris Kringles Jingle Bell Band
8. Switch On the Music
9. Five
10. Tap Your Sticks
11. Sounds Around the World
12. Bean Bag Shake
13. Homemade Band
14. Choose An Instrument
15. Country Classics Stop and Start
16. Spreading Rhythm
17. Stuff It in the Closet
18. Slow and Fast
19. Walking Notes
20. Play and Rest
21. Old Mac Donalds Band
22. Im a Little Wood Block
23. Stick Dance
24. Choose An Instrument - Instrumental