1. Two Little Sounds
2. My Ramblin Cat
3. Down by the Bay
4. The One That Doesnt Rhyme
5. Wiggy Wiggles Freeze Dance
6. Ten Monkeys in a Tree
7. Meet My Travelin Friends
8. Apples, Bananas, Peaches, Tomatoes
9. My Playful Pig
10. How Many are Here? (Addition and Subtraction)
11. Hickory, Dickory, Dock
12. The English Language Gets a Little Kooky - Consonants
13. Five Pennies Make a Nickel
14. Tall Tremendous Tens and Wee Wonderful Ones
15. What are You Wearing?
16. We Discover Number Patterns
17. The English Language Gets a Little Kooky - Vowels
18. Good-bye, So Long, Farewell, Toodle-oo
19. Two Little Sounds - Instrumental
20. Down by the Bay - Instrumental
21. The One That Doesnt Rhyme - Instrumental
22. Wiggy Wiggles Freeze Dance - Instrumental
23. Ten Monkeys in a Tree - Instrumental
24. Meet My Travelin Friends - Instrumental
25. Five Pennies Make a Nickel - Instrumental
26. Tall Tremendous Tens and Wee Wonderful Ones - Instrumental
27. Good-bye, So Long, Farewell, Toodle-oo - Instrumental