1. (13) La araeque - The Itsy Bitsy Spider
2. (14) Creciendo - Growing
3. (15) Quilagro - What a Miracle
4. (16) Doy gracias - Things Im Thankful For
5. (17) Sammy/Soy feliz de ser como soy - Sammy/ Im Glad Im Me
6. (18) Veamos a los colores moverse - Colors in Motion
7. (19) Un reloj feliz - Jolly Clock
8. (20)Cte llamas? - What is Your Name?
9. (21) Pon las manos arriba - Put Your Hands Up in the Air
10. (22) Cinco monitos - Five Little Monkeys
11. (23) La bolsita de frijoles - The Beanbag
12. (24) Saliendo a la ciudad - Stepping Out on the Town
13. The Itsy Bitsy Spider
14. Growing
15. What a Miracle
16. Things Im Thankful For
17. Sammy/Im Glad Im Me
18. Colors in Motion
19. Jolly Clock
20. What Is Your Name?
21. Put Your Hands Up in the Air
22. Five Little Monkeys
23. The Beanbag
24. Stepping out on the Town