1. Introduction By Dorothy and John the Cook
[Disc 1]
2. Incy Wincy Spider
3. Introduction By Fairy Clare
4. Everyone Can Be a Fairy!
5. Im Dorothy the Dinosaur! [Travelling Version] [Version]
6. Dorothy, Pick Roses With Me
7. Introduction By Dorothy and Fairy Clare
8. Wags Loves To Shake Shake
9. The Shimmie Shake!
10. Introduction By John the Cook
11. Im a Little Teapot
12. Introduction By Captain Feathersword
13. Clap Your Hands With Dorothy
14. Introduction By Dorothy and Fairy Clare
15. Fly Through the Sky
16. Captains Joke! (Introduction)
17. Henrys Song
18. Dorothy Finds the Rose In Japan Introduction
19. Haru Ga Kita
20. Brown Dog In the Ring
21. Captains Pirate School Introduction
22. Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo
23. Quack Quack
24. Follow the Leader
25. Were All Friends
26. Hot Potato
27. Dorothy and Faity Clares Dancing Introduction
28. The Fairy Dance [Instrumental]