1. Act I: Overture/Good News
2. Act I: Hes a Ladies Man
3. Act I: The Football Drill
4. Act I: Button Up Your Overcoat
5. Act I: Together/My Lucky Star
6. Act I: On The Campus
7. Act I: The Best Things in Life Are Free
8. Act I: Youre the Cream in My Coffee
9. Act I: The Varsity Drag
10. Act I: Lucky in Love
11. Act II: Todays the Day
12. Act II: The Girl of the Pi Beta Phi
13. Act II: Never Swat a Fly
14. Act II: Tait Song
15. Act II: Just Imagine
16. Act II: Keep Your Sunny Side Up
17. Act II: Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries
18. Act II: Finale