[Disc 1]
1. Introduction - John Houseman
[Disc 2]
1. Molls Song (Scene One)
2. Moll And Gent
3. Ill Show You Guys
4. Richard Speaking
5. Come To The Rescue (Scene Two)
6. Solicitin
7. Hey Virgil
8. Oh What A Filthy Night Court
9. Hard Times -- The Sermon (Scene Three)
10. Order In The Court Room
11. Croon Spoon (Scene Four)
12. Do We Disturb?
13. The Freedom Of The Press
14. Lets Do Something
15. Honolulu
16. Order In The Court Room (Scene Five)
17. Drugstore
18. Summer Weather
19. Dialogue
20. Love Duet (Gus And Sadie)
21. Dont Let Me Keep You (Scene Six)
22. Ask Us Again
23. Art For Arts Sake
24. The Nickel Under Your Foot (Scene Seven)
25. Which Of You Guys?
26. The Cradle Will Rock
27. The Cradle Will Rock (Speech)
28. Order In The Courtroom
29. Faculty Room (Scene Eight)
30. Its Not Going To Hurt (Scene Nine)
31. Ellas Entrance
32. Joe Worker
33. Final Scene (Scene Ten)