Jauchzet, Dem Herrn, Alle Welt
When David Heard
In Slumber, Peaceful Slumber
Missa Brevis In B-flat Major
I. Kyrie
II. Gloria
III. Credo
IV. Sanctus
V. Benedictus
VI. Agnus Dei
Schaffe In Mir, Gott
Mass For Double Choir
In Remembrance
Sing Me To Heaven
Be Thou A Smooth Way
Amore De Mi Alma
A Boy And A Girl
O My Luve's Like A Red, Red Rose
If Music Be The Food Of Love
Gospel Mass
I. Kyrie
II. Gloria
III. Credo
IV. Acclamation
V. Sanctus
VI. Agnus Dei
John The Revelator
Recorded between 2001-2006.
The St. Olaf Choir
Anton Armstrong
Mastered By, Edited By
John Gaddo
Kevin Stocks
Recorded By
Bryn Knatterud,
Heather Ferguson (3),
Jeff O'Donnell,
Joshua Wyatt
Copyright (c)
St. Olaf Records
Recorded At
Boe Memorial Chapel