1. Advice-Hughes
2. Unending Love-Tagore
3. Ode to a Couple/matilda-Neruda
4. The Country of Marriage/variations On the Word Sleep-Berry/Atwoo
5. I Knew a Woman/i Like My Body-Roethke/cummings
6. A Drinking Song-Yeats
7. Shall I Compare You to a Summers Day/how Do I Love Thee-Shakespe
8. Where Are You Going/loves Philosophy/the Garden-Keats/Shelley/P
9. 3 By commings-cummings
10. May I Feel Said He-cummings
11. Immortal Beloved-Beethoven
12. The Marriage Ceremony-Rumi
13. Song of Songs-The Old Testament
14. Molly Bloom Soliloquy-Joyce
15. Touch Me-Kunitz
16. Let Me Not to the Marriage/to My Dear and Loving Husband-Shakesp
17. Unending Love Reprise-Tagore