The Way It Was
Ms. Hyde
Giving It All To You
Leap Of Faith
Please Forgive Me
The Dance
For You
Lisa Novak - Lead & Backing Harmony Vocals, Acoustic, Electric and Baritone Guitar and Percussion
Rich Hopkins - Acoustic and Electric Guitars, Backing Vocals on "The Dance", Screaming Solos on "Ms. Hyde" and "For You"
Jon Sanchez - Electric Guitars, Keyboards, Piano and Synthesizer
Duane Hollis - Bass Guitar
Alan Anderson - Drums
Ken Andree - Bass Guitar on "Leap of Faith"
Paul Valdez - Drums and Percussion on "Leap of Faith"
Lars Goransson - Bass on "The Dance", Synth
Track duration taken from files on computer
Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar
Rich Hopkins
Bass Guitar
Duane Hollis
Alan Anderson
Electric Guitar, Keyboards, Piano, Synthesizer
Jon Sanchez
Nathan Sabatino,
Thomas Beech
Engineer, Mixed By
Lars Goransson,
Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Baritone Guitar, Percussion
Lisa Novak
Mastered By
Dave Shirk
Lisa Novak
Producer, Photography By [Inside Photos]
Rich Hopkins
Lisa Novak,
Rich Hopkins
Copyright (c)
God Sham God Music
Phonographic Copyright (p)
God Sham God Music
Recorded At
Loveland Studio
Recorded At
Sounds Outrageous