Come, Let Us Worship
Bless The Lord, O My Soul
Blessed Is The Man
Gladsome Light
Lord, Now Lettest Thou
Rejoice, O Virgin
The Lesser Doxology
Praise The Name Of The Lord
Blessed Art Thou, O Lord
Having Beheld The Resurrection Of Christ
My Soul Magnifies The Lord
The Great Doxology
The Troparion "Today Salvation Has Come"
The Troparion "Thou Didst Rise From The Tomb"
To Thee, The Victorious Leader
Sung in Church Slavonic. Recorded Fabruary 1, 2003 at the Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis, Minnesota, by Minneapolis Public Radio.
Alto Vocals
Anna George Meek,
Carrie Benson,
Galina Erickson,
Joanne Halvorsen,
Krista Palmquist,
Lynette Johnson,
Mary C. Maiden Muller,
Natalia Kojanova,
Rosita Tendall,
Teresa K. Elsbernd
Bass Vocals
Bob Peskin,
Brian E. Petty,
Brian Kremer,
Brian L. Steele,
Bruce Broquist,
Dave Jacobson (2),
Duane Andersen,
Jack Nelson (5),
Jeffrey Bipes,
Kevin Michael Norberg,
Matthew Culloton,
Michael Meyer (9),
Patrick McDonough,
Terry Sheetz,
Tim O'Brien (6)
Dale Warland
Design [Graphic]
Julie Pauley
Edited By [Editing Preparation]
Dale Warland,
Matthew Culloton
Recorded By
Michael Osborne (4)
Remastered By
John Scherf
Soprano Vocals
Beth Althof,
Dawn Schuffenhauer,
Deborah Loon Osgood,
Jodi Rowe,
Marie Spar Dymit,
Melissa Morey,
Monica Stratton,
Naomi Staruch,
Pamela Marentette,
Sara Dick,
Sarah Schlomer
Tenor Vocals
David Nordli,
Eric N. Hopkins,
Gregory Tambornino,
Hal Snyder,
Jared L. Anderson,
Jerome Elsbernd,
Joel Beyer,
Joel C. Fischer,
Justin Karch,
Lawrence Bach,
Steven Staruch
Sergei Rachmaninoff